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Linkedin not a bubble


The IPO of social-network LinkedIn will be priced Thursday. And when the shares start trading, a chorus of pundits will point to the stock price and howl that it is proof that we're in the middle of a new tech bubble.


LinkedIn's stock may well trade at a high multiple, and, like other high-multiple stocks, it will certainly carry a lot of risk. But there's a big difference between a high-multiple growth stock with downside risk and a "bubble."

LinkedIn is an established company. It generated nearly $250 million of revenue last year, and it should do more than $400 million this year. It has three strong revenue streams: consumer premium subscriptions, corporate recruiting subscriptions, and advertising. It earns money. And it has a huge growth opportunity. These reasons and others are why many institutional investors are lining up to buy the stock.

If LinkedIn's stock is priced in the current projected range--$42-$45 a share--the company will have a valuation of just north of $4 billion. That's about 10-times this year's projected revenue.

Is 10-times revenue a high multiple? Sure it's a high multiple. But it's also a multiple that, depending on LinkedIn's growth over the next couple of years, could be well-deserved.

Obviously conservative investors shouldn't buy LinkedIn's stock, just as they shouldn't buy any high-risk stocks. But screaming "bubble!" just because the Internet boom has produced another company that is worth a lot is ludicrous. It will be a "bubble" again when dozens of crappy companies with no businesses are going public at monstrous valuations --the way they did back at the end of the 1990s.

tijdstip:2011.05.18 - 22h45m53
Linkedin op 19 mei


LinkedIn trekt donderdag naar de beurs

De professionele netwerksite LinkedIn trekt op donderdag 19 mei naar de beurs. Zoals reeds bekend raakte zullen 7,84 miljoen aandelen worden aangeboden tegen 32 tot 35 dollar per aandeel. Dat brengt de waarde van de transactie op 274 miljoen dollar, en de totale waarde van het bedrijf op 3 miljard dollar. LinkedIn is zo het eerste sociale netwerk dat een beursnotering krijgt.

Daarmee brengt LinkedIn een kleine 11 procent van zijn aandelen naar de beurs. Dat kan nog iets meer worden indien de vraag erg groot is. Dan is er een overtoewijzingsoptie waarbij nog eens 1,18 miljoen aandelen verkocht kunnen worden. Op dat moment stijgt de waarde van de transactie tot 316 miljoen dollar.

LinkedIn gaf al in januari aan dat het een beursgang ambieerde, maar tot dusver bleef het bedrijf nog vrij vaag over de exacte timing. De beursgang is een mooie test voor de beleggersappetijt naar dergelijke ondernemingen. Op de secundaire markten stijgen de waarderingen van gelijkaardige ondernemingen als Facebook en Twitter voortdurend, maar daar leidt de lage liquiditeit tot een vertekening.

Met een waardering van 3 miljard dollar lijkt LinkedIn relatief goedkoop in vergelijking met andere, grotere netwerksites. Nochtans kan het bedrijf wel al winstcijfers voorleggen. LinkedIn haalde vorig jaar een nettowinst van 15,4 miljoen dollar op een omzet van 243 miljoen. LinkedIn ontvangt inkomsten dankzij premium-abonnementen en reclame op de website. De dienst rondde in maart de kaap van 100 miljoen gebruikers.

Nu de kogel door de kerk is voor LinkedIn, is het uitkijken naar de volgende beursoperatie. Beleggers kijken uit naar eventuele beursgangen van onder meer Facebook, couponnetjeswebsite Groupon, muziekservice Pandora of spelletjesontwikkelaars Rovio en Zynga. Eerder deze maand haalde RenRen, de Chinese tegenhanger van Facebook, al 743,3 miljoen dollar op bij een beursintroductie op Wall Street.

tijdstip:2011.05.16 - 22h02m11
LinkedIn naar beurs


07:44 - 28 januari 2011
LinkedIn trekt naar de beurs

De professionele netwerksite LinkedIn heeft aan de Amerikaanse beurswaakhond SEC laten weten dat het werkt aan een beursgang ter waarde van 175 miljoen dollar (127 miljoen euro). Daarbij laat het wel niet weten hoeveel aandelen er zullen uitgegeven worden en aan welke prijs, waardoor er geen waardering op het bedrijf kan geplakt worden.

De beursplannen(1) worden begeleid door Morgan Stanley, Bank of America en JPMorgan Chase. Amerikaanse zakenbanken cirkelen al een poos rond populaire, maar niet publiek genoteerde, internetbedrijven zoals Facebook en kortingenwebsite Groupon. De kans is dus klein dat LinkedIn de laatste beursgang uit de sociale netwerksfeer wordt.

LinkedIn is een pak kleiner dan Facebook, wat voor een stuk ook de relatief beperkte omvang van de operatie verklaart. De site specialiseert zich in het uitbouwen van een professioneel netwerk, waarbij leden voor allerlei doeleinden niet enkel hun eigen netwerk, maar ook dat van hun contacten kunnen aanspreken. Dat komt onder meer van pas bij het invullen van vacatures door middel van headhunting.

Voor beleggers heeft het bedrijf heel wat in huis. Tijdens de eerste 9 maanden van 2010 was LinkedIn winstgevend. De omzet van de site verdrievoudigde in de periode tussen 2007 en 2009 tot 120,1 miljoen dollar. Die inkomsten komen niet enkel uit advertenties. De site verdient ook een aardige duit aan diensten om vacatures uit te schrijven en te solliciteren.

Sinds de oprichting van de site in 2003 maakten al 90 miljoen mensen een profiel aan op LinkedIn. Daarmee staat het bedrijf in de schaduw van de 500 miljoen gebruikers van Facebook, maar analisten roemen de verschillende relatief stabiele inkomstenstromen die LinkedIn intussen heeft opgezet.

Het is nog niet duidelijk hoeveel aandelen LinkedIn wil uitgeven. De kans lijkt echter klein dat de huidige grootaandeelhouders van plan zijn om hun belang al uit handen te geven. Mede-oprichter Reid Hoffman en zijn familie hebben momenteel 21 procent in handen. Andere grote aandeelhouders zijn het investeringsfonds Sequoia Capital met een belang van 19 procent en Greylock Partners met 16 procent. Huidig CEO Jeff Weiner heeft een belang van 4,1 procent.

tijdstip:2011.01.28 - 15h04m48
Facebook meer waard dan 50 mia dollar


De Amerikaanse zakenbank Goldman Sachs en een Russische investeerder hebben samen zowat 500 miljoen dollar geïnvesteerd in de socialenetwerksite Facebook. De transactie waardeert Facebook op 50 miljard dollar, zo bericht de New York Times maandag op basis van anonieme bronnen.

Facebook is daarmee meer waard dan gevestigde groepen als eBay, Yahoo! en Time Warner, aldus de krant. Het persoonlijke vermogen van Facebook-oprichter Marc Zuckerberg zou dankzij de operatie overigens verdubbeld zijn.

De intrede van Goldman Sachs in het kapitaal van Facebook, versterkt de geloofwaardigheid van de socialenetwerksite, luidt het voorts. De astronomisch hoge waardering verhoogt volgens de New York Times wel de druk op de Facebook-top om de groep naar de beurs te brengen, iets waar ze zich sinds de oprichting tegen verzetten.

tijdstip:2011.01.03 - 11h40m35
Skype terug naar beurs


De Luxemburgse specialist in internettelefonie Skype heeft plannen om naar de beurs te trekken. In het kader van de plannen om een volledig publiek bedrijf te worden zal Skype voor 100 miljoen dollar nieuwe aandelen uitblijven. Het hoofdkwartier blijft evenwel in Luxemburg.

Afgelopen herfst verkocht eBay zijn meerderheidsbelangen in Skype aan Skype Global voor 1,9 miljard dollar cash en 125 miljoen dollar aan obligaties. Skype Global is een investeringsgroep van de private equity groep Silver Lake Partners.

Die groep verkoopt zijn deel dus opnieuw, maar nu via de beurs. Silver Lake Partners is de zoveelste private equity groep die holdings of bedrijven publiek maakt om zo in te cashen op investeringen.

Skype is sterk gegroeid sinds zijn oprichting in 2003. Skype heeft wereldwijd zo'n 560 miljoen geregistreerde gebruikers. Toch blijft het aantal betalende gebruikers volgens Skype te laag ondanks wereldwijde groei en het aantal huidige gebruikers. In het tweede kwartaal gebruikten 124 miljoen mensen Skype, maar slechts 8,1 miljoen maakte gebruik van een betalende dienst, zoals via Skype bellen naar landlijnen.

tijdstip:2010.08.09 - 22h33m10
HYIP - what's this?, Anyone dealt with high yields?

You may probably be very interested to know how one can make real money on investments.
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for daily food, that's 20-100 dollars.
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and I'm ready to let you know my secrets at my blog.

Please visit blog and send me private message to get the info.

P.S. I earn 1000-2000 per day now.


tijdstip:2009.10.30 - 22h55m10
Skype dan toch naar de beurs

eBay Inc. Announces Plan for 2010 Initial Public Offering of Skype
Tuesday April 14, 2009, 4:37 pm EDT SAN JOSE, Calif.--eBay Inc. Nasdaq: EBAY - News today announced that it plans to separate Skype from the company, beginning with an initial public offering that is intended to be completed in the first half of 2010. Specific timing of the IPO will be based on market conditions. Skype is a great stand-alone business with strong fundamentals and accelerating momentum, said eBay Inc.s President and CEO, John Donahoe. But it’s clear that Skype has limited synergies with eBay and PayPal. We believe operating Skype as a stand-alone publicly traded company is the best path for maximizing its potential. This will give Skype the focus and resources required to continue its growth and effectively compete in online voice and video communications. In addition, separating Skype will allow eBay to focus entirely on our two core growth engines—e-commerce and online payments—and deliver long-term value to our stockholders. The decision to separate Skype is based on a timeline outlined by Donahoe when he became eBays CEO in April 2008. At the time, the company said it would spend a year evaluating Skype and its potential synergies within the eBay Inc. portfolio before making any decisions about Skype’s future. Donahoe also installed a new management team at Skype led by Josh Silverman, which has driven stronger momentum and improved performance. In 2008, Skype generated revenues of USD551 million, up 44 percent from 2007, and segment margins of approximately 21 percent. Registered users reached 405 million by the end of 2008, up 47 percent from 2007, and user metrics improved significantly throughout the year. The company recently announced that it expects Skype to top $1 billion in revenue in 2011, nearly doubling 2008 revenues. Under the leadership of Josh Silverman and his management team, Skype has become a stronger business in the past year, and I expect it will be even stronger a year from now, Donahoe said. Skype has accelerating global user growth and strong fundamentals, diversified revenue streams and is competitively positioned in a large market. We expect Josh and his team to continue delivering results as we prepare Skype for an IPO. Most recently, the release of the Skype for iPhone application has generated a great response. More than one million people downloaded Skype for iPhone in the first 36 hours after it became available—and Skype immediately became the No. 1 downloaded free iPhone application in more than 40 markets, including the U.S., UK and Japan. In just over a week, downloads passed the two million mark, putting Skype on more than 6 percent of all iPhones and iPod Touch – and adding almost half a million new Skype users.

tijdstip:2009.04.15 - 11h15m42
CEO stopt ermee

Meg Whitman op pensioen.

Op 31 maart geeft ze definitief de fakkel door.

tijdstip:2008.01.25 - 00h25m00
Skype online

problemen veroorzaakt door update:

Software-update oorzaak van wereldwijde storingen Skype

Een kleine software-update zou aan de basis gelegen hebben van de storingen bij het internettelefoniebedrijf Skype, op 16 en 17 augustus. Na het ontvangen van een update herstartten op korte tijd zeer veel computers, waardoor al die gebruikers tezelfdertijd opnieuw moesten inloggen en het systeem zijn stabiliteit verloor. Dat heeft men bij Skype maandag gemeld.

Tijdens de storing ontdekte men een voorheen onbekende bug in de software van het netwerk, die de "self-healing" functie ervan beïnvloedde en dus voor de problemen zorgde. Van een aanval van buitenaf zou geen sprake geweest zijn.

Met de software van Skype kunnen gebruikers via het internet telefoneren en tekstberichten sturen. Skype telt wereldwijd meer dan 220 miljoen geregistreerde gebruikers. (belga/dm)

tijdstip:2007.08.20 - 14h41m09
Skype netwerk plat

Nu reeds 2 dagen hebben miljoenen Skype users problemen om te connecteren op de service. Ingenieurs van het bedrijf proberen koortsachtig de zaken op te lossen, maar voorlopig zonder succes. Hoe lang voordat de eBay Inc (NYSE:EBAY) koers hieronder begint te lijden? eBay sloot gisteren af op 33.64 dollar, en staat nu door het forse algemene herstel pre-market lichtjes in de plus.

tijdstip:2007.08.17 - 14h59m13
beats beats beats (again)

EBay Boosts 1Q Profit by 52 Percent
Thursday April 19, 1:14 am ET
By Rachel Konrad, AP Technology Writer
EBay Wrings More Money From Users to Boost 1st-Quarter Profit by

52 Percent

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- EBay Inc. is trying to wring more money out

of every customer and purge the online auction site of shoddy

sellers, a business strategy that executives say has already

pumped profits.

The company reported Wednesday that first-quarter profit surged 52

percent, trouncing Wall Street expectations thanks to big-spending

shoppers overseas and scorching performance of its PayPal

electronic transaction division.

EBay earned $377.2 million, or 27 cents per share, for the three

months ended March 31, compared with $248.3 million, or 17 cents

per share, in the year-ago period.

First-quarter revenue totaled $1.77 billion, up 27 percent from

$1.39 billion a year ago.

Excluding charges unrelated to ongoing operations, eBay earned

$460.5 million, or 33 cents per share, up 34 percent from the same

quarter last year.

On that basis, which does not comply with generally accepted

accounting principles, eBay was expected to earn $408.72 million,

or 30 cents per share, on sales of $1.72 billion, according to

analysts polled by Thomson Financial.

EBay reported the results after markets closed. Its shares climbed

$1.23, or 3.6 percent, in extended trading after closing down 75

cents to $34.45 on the Nasdaq Stock Market.

The first-quarter gains came despite lackluster growth in the

total number of listings on the world's largest online auction

site. Users posted 588 million listings last quarter, up only 2

percent from the 575 million in the year-ago period -- a far

smaller growth rate than eBay typically records.

EBay President and Chief Executive Meg Whitman said slower growth

was the logical outcome of an ambitious effort to reduce the

amount of overpriced commodity items that clog the site. Last

year, the site was clogged with thousands of cell phone chargers,

chintzy digital cameras, outdated MP3 players and other electronic

devices -- and they often carried unrealistically high starting

bids and reserve prices. Many got zero bids.

"I think we made a couple mistakes in the middle of last year,"

Whitman told The Associated Press. "We frankly had too many items

on the site."

The company is tweaking seller fees to encourage smaller starting

bids and discourage sellers from listing huge numbers of similar

items. Representatives have been calling individual sellers,

reminding them to abide by fair-use policies. And eBay is taking a

more active role in combatting the growing incidence of fraud,

identity theft and privacy invasions.

As a result, Whitman said, the site has a higher quality of items,

and the prices are more in sync with their market values. During

the quarter, 82.9 million active eBay users exchanged $14.28

billion in goods, ranging from pricey real estate and cars to toys

and shoes.

"Conversion rates are going back up, so sellers are seeing more

success -- and if history is any guide, supply follows demand,"

Whitman said. "We always anticipated a lag in listings growth. We

are not unduly concerned."

Tepid growth in listings didn't worry Rick Munarriz, a senior

analyst in media, technology and the Internet for The Motley Fool.

He said it was a logical consequence of purging shoddy sellers.

"Last year, they were a trailer park, and this year they want to

be a luxury condo," Munarriz said. "The current users are being

milked more, but they keep coming back, so the formula is


David M. Garrity, director of research at New York-based Dinosaur

Securities LLC, praised the company's strategy to wring more money

from users. But he emphasized that eBay -- one of the few dot-coms

to survive the shakeout starting in 2000 -- needs to attract new

users. The Web site should be far more interactive and addictive,

lest it become the target of a private-equity takeover, he said.

"Being a social networking site for Web 1.0 was wonderful,"

Garrity said. "But it leaves open the question about whether

they'll have that position with web 2.0 or, shall we say, Web


eBay: http://www.ebay.com

tijdstip:2007.04.19 - 10h00m42
expected good Q1

EARNINGS OUTLOOK: EBay Profits Seen Rising To 30 Cents A Share On

Higher Sales
Dow Jones
April 13, 2007: 04:52 PM EST

SAN FRANCISCO (Dow Jones) - EBay Inc. is expected to report higher
sales and a surge in profit on Wednesday, fueled by growth in its
PayPal online payment processing business and improving average
selling prices of items sold on its Web sites.

Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial expect the company to
report a profit of 30 cents a share, at the higher end of eBay's
guidance for the quarter and up from the 17 cents a share it
posted a year ago.

Sales are seen climbing 22% to $1.7 billion, near the middle of
the $1.67 billion to $1.72 billion range eBay projected.

Much of the company's (EBAY) growth is coming from its dominant
PayPal business, which accounts for about a quarter of eBay's
revenues, and which extended its reach over the past three months
to thousands more merchant Web sites both inside and outside of

EBay's PayPal has also managed to fend off a challenge from Google
Inc. (GOOG) which has been heavily promoting its competing online
payment feature, Google Checkout.

Meanwhile, the average selling price of eBay items has also
increased, analysts say, and so has the percentage of auctions
ending in sales. The San Jose, Calif.-based firm also bolstered
its ticket-selling business recently by acquiring Stubhub.com, a
leading online ticket broker, for about $307 million.

And while still anemic, eBay's Internet telephony division, Skype,
is expected to once again see improved sales.
Investors have bid up eBay shares 15% since the company reported
earnings three months ago.

All the advances will be enough, for now, to offset slowing growth
of eBay auction listings, analysts believe. The slowdown of eBay's
core business remains the biggest issue facing the company,
according to recent analyst comments.

Goldman Sachs analysts thinks the trend will continue this
quarter, and also suggest eBay's U.S. auction listings fell 3.2%
in the quarter, to about 258.5 million.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
04-13-07 1652ET
Copyright (c) 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

tijdstip:2007.04.15 - 12h18m31
paypal 35mio users

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- A milestone by eBay Inc.'s PayPal, a new advertising experiment from Google Inc. and a late

rally fueled by the Federal Reserve's decision to hold interest rates steady sent Internet stocks to a broadly higher close

on Wednesday.
While individual news drove some stocks upward, the entire sector jumped after the Fed held its benchmark interest rate

steady Wednesday, saying its "predominant policy concern remains the risk that inflation will fail to moderate as expected."
The Dow Jones Internet Index ended the day up 2.2% at 101.17, while the tech-laden Nasdaq Composite Index added 47 points to

reach 2,455.92.
Among the bellwethers, eBay Inc. (EBAY) shares added 2.1% to reach $32.16. Earlier, its PayPal unit said it has 35 million

accounts in Europe. According to analysts at Forrester Research, nearly a quarter of all European online shoppers use PayPal.
Meanwhile, shares of Google Inc. (GOOG) gained 2.5% to reach $456.55. On Tuesday, Google said a small number of advertisers

are now testing out a new payment scheme it's calling "pay-per-action."
Google's current payment strategy makes businesses pay up whenever one of their ads is clicked on. Under its new

"pay-per-action" payment scheme, Google gets paid only when someone clicking on the ad completes another action, such as

visiting the advertiser's Web site, or asking for promotional material.
In a note to clients Wednesday, Jefferies & Co. Inc. analyst Youssef Squali called the new charging strategy a "mild

positive" for the firm particularly because it will give Google more insight into the behavior of its consumers. Squali rates

Google at buy.

tijdstip:2007.03.21 - 22h07m25
Common Sense


Common Sense
Internet Stocks Still Hold the Most Financial Promise

By James B. Stewart Published: February 6, 2007

IMAGINE YOU WERE the CEO of a major S&P 500 corporation, and you just announced a more than 100% increase in profits. Wouldn't you expect more from investors than a collective yawn?

That was the fate of Google (GOOG: 472.05, +4.89, +1.1%), which last week reported that earnings more than doubled and revenue jumped 68%. The stock, then trading above $500 a share, dropped immediately, and this week was hovering around $470.

You might surmise that Wall Street was expecting even more, except that both profit and revenue beat analysts' estimates. Nor did the results generate many headlines. Once awaited by investors and the financial press with breathless anticipation, Google's results, not to mention those from eBay (EBAY: 32.98, +0.73, +2.3%) and Yahoo (YHOO: 29.54, +0.98, +3.4%), were overshadowed by the Federal Reserve's decision to hold short-term rates at 5.25%. Now there's cause for excitement: The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped nearly 100 points on news that nearly everyone expected.
(...this continues...)

tijdstip:2007.02.06 - 21h39m35
internet is terug

Nadat dinsdag Yahoo! (nasday:YHOO) al met beter dan verwachte resultaten uitpakte en de hele internetsector met zich mee omhoog sleurde, verraste eBay (nasday:EBAY) ons gisterenavond met schitterende winstcijfers. Zowel de winst als de omzet was aan de bovenkant van de verwachtingen, maar belangrijker was de verhoging van de verwachting voor 2007 verhoging van 1.67 naar 1.72 voor Q107, en de aankondiging dat er voor twee miljard dollar eigen aandelen gaan ingekocht worden. Nog belangrijker is het resultaat van Skype: 217 miljoen gebruikers, een meer dan verdubbeling tov vorig jaar en een revenue van 66 miljoen dollar of eveneens een meer dan verdubbeling. Nog belangrijker is het allesomvattende succes van Paypal, dat bijvoorbeeld als belangrijk betaalmiddel wordt gebruikt in SecondLife. Het aandeel kalfde al heel het jaar af, maar het blijkt nog maar eens dat eBay, Skype, Paypal, Yahoo naast Google blijvers zijn in hun vakgebied. De goed nieuwsschow is echter niet gedaan. Volgende week trekt Google (nyse:GOOG) de hele sector nogmaals hoger, en dinsdag trekt Microsoft (nyse:MSFT)met de lancering van Windows Vista de sector naar ongekende hoogten.

tijdstip:2007.01.25 - 14h36m44

After Hours: 33.50 Up 3.50 (11.67%)

tijdstip:2007.01.24 - 23h39m27
opnieuw ontdekt?

After Hours: 32.19 Up 2.19 (7.30%)

Lange tijd aan het afkalven, en dan plots ontdekt dat eBay gewoon hét veilingmerk op internet is.

Nog niet gesproken van Skype en Paypal (bvb gebruikt in SecondLife)

tijdstip:2007.01.24 - 22h33m31

Shares of eBay immediately took off in after-hours trading, jumping more than 7% to $32.22.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - EBay Inc.'s (NASDAQ:EBAY - News) quarterly net profit rose 24 percent, topping expectations as its core auction business strengthened, and the company said 2007 earnings would be at the high end of analysts' forecasts.
In Marketplaces, "we saw good accelerated momentum in the U.S., U.K. and Germany," Chief Executive Bob Swan said in an interview. "We really saw strength across the board."
om 23h live earnings presentation.

tijdstip:2007.01.24 - 22h29m18
EBay beats

EBay profit rises 24%; sales up 29%, more than forecast
Last Update: 4:15 PM ET Jan 24, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) - EBay Inc. (EBAY Last: 30.00+1.37+4.79%) 4:06pm 01/24/2007
EBay late Wednesday reported profit rose 24%, fueled by healthy growth outside its core auction business and a more favorable tax rate. The online auctioneer also announced an extension of a share buyback program. EBay said net income for the period ending Dec. 31 rose to $346 million, or 25 cents a share, from $279.2 million, or 20 cents from a year earlier. Excluding employee stock option costs, eBay said it would have earned 28 cents a share, in line with its own forecast. Sales during the quarter rose 29% to $1.72 billion, which exceeded both eBay's forecast and the $1.67 billion estimate of Wall Street analysts. Meanwhile, eBay announced its board of directors has authorized the company to repurchase another $2 billion in company stock over the next two years. EBay also issued a full year profit forecast that exceeded Wall Street expectations. End of Story


tijdstip:2007.01.24 - 22h24m03

Straks om 23h earnings over het vierde kwartaal voor EBay
De verwachtingen voor de earnings over het vierde kwartaal zijn alsvolgt:

analisten: 28 cents a share on $1.67 billion in revenue.
vork eBay: 27 cents to 28 cents a share on revenue of $1.62 billion to $1.68 billion.

tijdstip:2007.01.24 - 22h11m52
lichtjes in de plus

EBay Inc. (EBAY:EBAY30.25, +0.30, +1.0%) shares added 1.1% early on. On Wednesday, it began requiring North American sellers accept its PayPal online payment feature, or a merchant credit card. This is the first time eBay's ever required new sellers to use a specific payment option.
The steps are a "proactive" approach to fighting more complex security threats buyers now face, Ebay North American President Bill Cobb told eBay sellers Wednesday.
Also Thursday, eBay's Skype Internet phone division introduced new domestic calling plans, known as Skype Pro, in nearly two dozen countries. It also reduced by up to 65% what it once charged to use Skype to call cell or landline phones in the U.S. and a handful of other nations.

tijdstip:2007.01.18 - 16h08m43
3% erbij


Elders in de techsector schrijft internetveiler eBay 2,8% bij op USD 30,11. De onderneming neemt StubHub over, een ticketveilingsite. Ebay betaalt zo'n USD 310 miljoen in contanten voor het bedrijf.

tijdstip:2007.01.11 - 20h36m31
eBay neemt concurrent over


eBay Buying Ticker Reseller StubHub
Thursday January 11, 7:30 am ET

Online auctioneer eBay is acquiring startup ticker reseller StubHub for $285 million plus the $25 million cash on StubHub's books ($310m total), in an effort to boost sagging growth as its core business matures. Privately-owned StubHub, based in San Francisco and founded seven years ago, had revenue last year of about $100 million and EBITDA earnings of approximately $10 million, so the buyout values the company at more than 30x cash flow. eBay has competed against StubHub in the lucrative ticket reselling business; IAC/Interactive's TicketMaster unit is another big player in the field.

tijdstip:2007.01.11 - 20h28m15

Skype had eind september meer dan 136 miljoen gebruikers.

tijdstip:2006.12.13 - 21h25m52


Google takes aim at PayPal
Internet giant extends free use of online payment service through 2007.
December 6 2006: 3:21 PM EST

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Google is offering merchants free use of its online payment service, the Internet search giant's latest move to gain share from eBay's PayPal service.

Google (Charts) is extending free use of its payment service to online merchants through the end of next year, the company said in a blog devoted to Google Checkout.

The free processing promotion was set to expire at the end of this year.
Is Google too smart for its own good?

Mountain View, Calif.-based Google, which rolled out its checkout program in June, has been trying to drum up support of its service with incentive programs.

Last month, it began offering customers $10 off a $30 purchase for transactions made via Google Checkout.

PayPal, owned by eBay (Charts), said in November that customers would be eligible to receive a cash rebate of up to $20 off when using PayPal to make purchases on certain merchant Web sites.

tijdstip:2006.12.06 - 22h44m52
van yahoo board

A True Ebay Fact (2 Ratings) 28-Nov-06 10:56 pm
Where else on this green Earth can a person sell something for the whole world to see for just about 5% of the selling price?

Ebay is a sweet deal for any seller.

Sometimes it's just too easy...

And that's a FACT that pays my bills.

tijdstip:2006.11.30 - 17h39m39
cyber monday record


Cyber Monday sales hit record $608 million
ComScore says online sales jumped 26 percent. How did Wal-Mart and other retailers fare?
By Parija B. Kavilanz, CNNMoney.com staff writer
November 29 2006: 1:53 PM EST

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Total online purchases on Cyber Monday, one of the biggest shopping days for e-tailers, jumped 26 percent to a record $608 million, according to the latest numbers from ComScore Networks.

"It [was] the highest single day in retail e-commerce history and the first day ever to break the $600 million threshold," Gian Fulgoni, chairman of comScore Networks, said in a statement.


Separately, online auctioneer eBay was the clear winner among e-tailers who garnered the most traffic on Cyber Monday, according to market research firm Nielsen NetRatings' Holiday eShopping Index.

The report showed Cyber Monday traffic drew a combined total unique audience of 29.5 million from people who shopped online both from home and work.

According to the index, eBay (Charts) had 10.9 million unique visitors, followed by Amazon with 6.9 million and Walmart.com with 4.8 million visitors on Cyber Monday.

tijdstip:2006.11.29 - 20h10m47